whosoever puts his trust in Allâh then Allâh will suffice him

La ualidad y la libido son una de las necesidades más importantes de Dios para la existencia humana. Satisfacer completamente su ualidad de la manera correcta significa estar con su cónyuge es uno de los pilares de la felicidad. Pero a lo largo de los años, con la cultura humana avanzando hacia la corrupción y la destrucción, ha habido muchos cambios en la forma de satisfacer la libido. Subestimar las creencias religiosas ha llevado al colapso y al abandono de la cultura humana real, así como de los movimientos humanos en prejuicios uales. Caminar sobre la humanidad en el camino hacia el sesgo de género ha tenido un impacto devastador en la vida personal, familiar y social.
Sociedad: aumento de la corrupción en la sociedad, propagación de la inseguridad entre las personas, especialmente las mujeres,
Familia: ninguna promesa de pareja, debilitamiento de la base familiar,
Psicología: depresión, autoestima,
Físico: trastornos uales como la eyaculación precoz, disfunción eréctil, amplificador yang, etc.
Como los problemas uales como la eyaculación precoz y la disfunción eréctil han tenido un efecto devastador en la vida personal y social de los hombres, los urólogos, psiquiatras, sociólogos, etc. han proporcionado medicamentos, terapias, artículos, seminarios, etc. Mucho esfuerzo. Tratamiento de enfermedades. Pero hay evidencia de que no han logrado este objetivo. Muchas personas en todo el mundo todavía usan los medicamentos y tratamientos provistos, pero muchos aún no reciben tratamiento, lo que los cansa mental y físicamente y muchos se frustran con el tratamiento. . .
¿Entonces qué debo hacer?
En este artículo, primero trataré de identificar las causas de los problemas uales y luego proporcionaré algunas pautas básicas para la prevención y el tratamiento de estas enfermedades.
Además de resolver problemas uales, muchos de los problemas en la sociedad actual se resuelven observando las soluciones presentadas en este artículo.
Este artículo está en inglés.

One of the most important needs that God has put in human existence to continuethe human raceis ual desire and force. Natural and complete satisfaction of ual desire in its right way, i.e. sleeping with a spouse, is one of the foundations of happiness. However, the ways of satisfying ual desirehave undergone many changesas years pass and human cultures move toward corruption and destruction.The devaluation of religious beliefs has led to the decline and deviation of genuine human cultures and the movement of humans on the path of ual deviation.The movement of human beings on the path of ual deviation has imposed fatal blows to the individual, family, and social life of the human race.

Social adverse effects: expansion of corruption in societies, ual insecurity of human beings, especially women, increasing number of unidentified people, etc.

Family:lack of commitment between husband and wife, weakening of family foundation, birth of illegitimate children, etc.


Mental: Depression, low self-esteem, identity crisis, lack of happiness, hopelessness, etc.

Physical:Weakening of nerves, ual disorders such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, impotence, etc.

Given that ual problems such as premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction have caused devastating effects on the personal and social life of men, large pharmaceutical companies, urologists, psychiatrists, sociologists, and many others have attempted to treat ual disorders byproviding different drug prescriptions, different therapies, articles, seminars, etc.Nevertheless, evidence shows that they have not yet succeeded in achieving this goal because many men in the world continue to use the offered medications and treatments, but many of them are still untreated.This has caused them mental and physical exhaustion, and many have become completely frustrated with their treatment.

?So, what should be done

In this article, I have tried to take a closer look at this problem. Initially, I first introduced the main causes of ual problems and then provided basic and drug-free solutions to prevent and treat these diseases. If you have not yet found a way to cure your illness, you can hope to treat your illness and experience a sweet marital life by following the guidelines in this article.

Keep in mind that I am not a professional web site designer, so my blog may look simple.I am a researcher and I have demonstrated my ability to collect and present very useful contents in this article. So do not look at the seemingly simple blog, what is useful for you is the content of the article.I also refuse to copy other people's content to fill out my blog and instead I post usefulcontent to improve the quality of life of people on the blog.

Since one of the most important challenges in today's life is ual dysfunction, I have presented the first article in this area.My emphasis in this article is drug-free and natural treatment of ual disorders because they have not yet been treated with medication.So download and read it carefully for your treatment.Take a few months to follow up on the new recommendations to see the results, be forever relieved of your ual dysfunction, experience a better quality of life, and enjoy the sweet taste of happiness.If the content of the article was useful to you, please send Blog address to others so that everyone can use it.

God has a cure for every illness and pain, so you haveto strive and seek to find it.


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